Clichy SIAAP Razel Bec

Locations and subsidiaries

Find the addresses of our regional Razel-Bec branches and subsidiaries in France and abroad.

Nos agences en régions

RAZEL-BEC Ile-de-France Grands Chantiers

The Grands Chantiers agency focuses mainly on complex civil engineering projects in Ile-de-France.

01 69 85 69 85
RAZEL-BEC Ile-de-France Grands Chantiers
3, rue René Razel - Christ de Saclay
91892 Orsay Cedex

RAZEL-BEC Île-de-France Ouest

The agency operates in the Yvelines, Hauts-de-Seine and Val-d'Oise regions, as well as in Paris. It is located in Elancourt.

01 30 13 78 78
RAZEL-BEC Île-de-France Ouest
Route des Gâtines
78990 Elancourt

RAZEL-BEC Île-de-France Est

Located in Moissy-Cramayel, the East branch has an expert knowledge of a full range of civil engineering, road and utility techniques. It operates in Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, Seine-et-Marne and Essonne.

01 60 60 64 63
RAZEL-BEC Île-de-France Est
526, avenue Albert Einstein
77555 Moissy-Cramayel


Coteg specialises in the management of contaminated sites and soil, as well as earthworks.

01 41 95 65 00
219, rue des Marais
94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois


Building materials company

01 69 85 69 32
3, rue René Razel - Christ de Saclay
91892 Orsay Cedex

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