Continuing to browse this website means that you fully accept the following provisions and terms of use.
The current online version of these terms of use is the sole binding version throughout the duration of use of the website and until a new version replaces it.
- Article 1 - Legal Notice
1.1 Website (hereafter referred to as “the website”):
1.2 Publisher (hereafter referred to as “the publisher”): Razel-Bec
Simplified joint stock company
With a capital of €20,000,000
RCS Evry : 562 136 036
Head office address:
3 rue René Razel-Christ de Saclay
91892 ORSAY Cedex - France
Telephone: 01 69 85 69 85
VAT Identification Number: FR 70 562 136 036
The person in charge of the publication of the site is Mr. Gilles PATROSSO as General Director.
1.3 Design and creation: CLEVER AGE: 34 rue de Saint-Pétersbourg 75008 Paris, France
1.4 Web host: FAYAT-IT
SNC (general partnership) with a capital of €500,000, whose headquarters is located at Bât Urbaine de travaux - 2 Av. Général de Gaulle
91170 VIRY-CHATILLON, SIREN number 523 204 212 represented by Arnaud Lemaitre, as Managing Director, Telephone number: 01 69 85 64 67, Email address:
- Article 2 - Website content
All of the brands, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, animated or still images, video sequences, as well as all the computer applications which may be used for the operation of this website and, more generally, all the items displayed or used on the website, are protected under applicable intellectual property laws.
They are the full property of the Publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these items, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited. The fact that the publisher does not initiate proceedings upon becoming aware of these unauthorised uses does not constitute acceptance of such uses or waiver of prosecution.
- Article 3 - Site management
To ensure the proper management of the website, the publisher may, at any time:
- suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the website, reserve access to the website, or to certain parts of the website, to a specific category of internet users
- delete any information that might disrupt how the website functions or breach national or international laws, or Netiquette rules.
- suspend the website in order to make updates
- Article 4 - Liability
The publisher cannot be held liable in the event of a failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption of operation, preventing access to the website or to one of its features.
You are fully liable for the equipment you use to connect to this website. You must take all appropriate measures to protect your equipment and your own data in particular from online virus attacks. Moreover, you are solely responsible for the websites and data you consult.
The publisher cannot be held liable in the event of legal proceedings against you:
- as a result of using the website or any service accessible via internet
- as a result of your non-compliance with these general terms of use
The publisher is not liable for any damage caused to you, third parties and/or your equipment as a result of your connection to or use of the website and you hereby waive any action against the publisher as a result.
If the publisher becomes the subject of an amicable settlement or legal proceedings caused by your use of the website, it may take action against you to obtain compensation for any damages, sums, convictions and costs resulting from these proceedings.
- Article 5 - Hyperlinks
Setting hyperlinks to all or part of the website is strictly prohibited without prior written consent of the publisher, which can be requested by sending an email to:
The publisher is free to refuse this authorisation without having to justify its decision in any way. Should the publisher give its consent, it is only temporary in any case and may be withdrawn at any time, without having to justify its decision.
In all cases, links must be removed upon simple request from the publisher.
Any information accessible through a link to other websites is not under the control of the publisher, who declines any liability with regard to its content.
- Article 6 - Personal data protection
The company Razel-Bec SAS collects personal data as the data controller. Click here for more information about how Razel-Bec SAS handles its customers’ personal data.
- Article 7 - Photographs et representation of products
The photographs of products accompanying their description are representative only and are not binding on the publisher.
- Article 8 - Applicable law
These website terms of use are governed by French law and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Bordeaux, subject to the allocation of specific powers arising from a specific legislation or regulation.
- Article 9 - Contact us
If you have questions or would like more information about the products displayed on the website, or about the website itself, please write to us at: